[Run Bus and Truck (Rail / Station / Train)] TOP PAGE
Schedule Settings of Junction And Traffic Light Pass All Bus Stops
Schedule Wizard

Open the [Train] menu, and select [Bus, Truck] to show the list of storing boxes to manage vehicles.

Press × button and the up or down of directional buttons / left-click to select a vehicle in operation. Then, select [Schedule Wizard] to start it.
With Schedule Wizard, you can change schedule settings of bus stops, depots and junctions where a bus or a truck is running.

When a vehicle reaches a bus stop, a depot and a junction while using Schedule Wizard, schedule settings of the bus stop, a depot or a junction will be open. After setting schedule, select [Continuous] to continue Schedule Wizard or [OFF] to end with the schedule settings.

Select [Schedule Wizard OFF] to end Schedule Wizard while running a vehicle.
Copy Vehicle's Schedule
Open the [Train] menu, and select [Copy] to temporarily copy the selected vehicle's schedule in the list of storing boxes.

Select another vehicle in the list of vehicle boxes and [Paste] to apply the copied vehicle's schedule.
Note: Select [Copy Clear] to delete the copied schedule.

Select a vehicle and [Reset] to reset the schedule of selected vehicle.
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