[Run Train (Rail / Station / Train)] TOP PAGE
Construct Special Bridge Type of Train
Speed Limiting Function
To limit train's speed, you need to place speed limit signs beside railroad tracks.
By passing a speed limit sign, the maximum speed of a train will be limited.
Place Speed Limit Sign
Open the [Rail] menu. Select [Track] - [Locate Speed Limit Sign]. > Press × button and directional buttons / left click to choose any speed limit. > Select [Start Layout] / move the cursor > Hover the cursor over a point to place and press × button / left click to set a speed limit sign.

Direction of sign changes depending on which side of a railroad track the cursor is on.
The cursor is
on the left side of a railroad track.
The cursor is
on the right side of a railroad track.
Note: Use the same process to place end speed limit signs.

The speed limit sign will light in red if signs are unavailable to place. And speed limit signs are unavailable to place on special bridges such as truss bridges, rail & road bridges etc.
Removal of Speed Limit Sign
Select the [Rail] Menu - [Track] - [Delete Speed Limit Sign].
Select [Start Layout] or move the cursor, and select a speed limit sign to remove.
The speed limit sign will light in yellow.

Note: Use the same process to remove end speed limit signs.
Handling Instructions
Below are the restrictions for functions of speed limit signs:

・Speed limit signs are applied to all trains running on the track with no exception.
・Valid speed limit signs need to be placed on the left side of the direction to travel.
・Once speed limits are applied, they cannot be cleared unless all train cars pass by the end speed limit signs, or unless trains are removed.
・Speed limits will be applied to trains to slow down before the first cars reach the points of speed limit signs. End speed limit signs will be applied after the end of the last train cars pass by the signs.
・Only trains operated with Drive Mode are able to ignore speed limits.
・Depending on the fastest speed and speed limits, trains cannot slow down at curves or slopes.

Note: Speed limiting function might affect train schedules and suddenly change arrival time of trains.
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