[Run Bus and Truck (Rail / Station / Train)] |
Manage Buses and Trucks |
Set Name of Your Vehicle |
Set any name on your vehicles to manage them.
Select [Name] to show names of vehicle boxes. Press × button and the up or down directional buttons / left-click to select a vehicle and edit its name. |
Select Color |
For each of your buses and trucks, you can select a color for specific line and for assortment. |
To set a color, open [Train] menu > Press × button and the up or down directional buttons / left-click to select a vehicle. Then, select [Color].
Note: When using a mouse, left-click the leftmost line on your purchased vehicles to set. You have a palette of colors you previously used for coloring groups, and right click. |
Select any color on the palette in the right area of the screen.
Note: When using a mouse, you can switch colors with scroll wheel.
Among 120 colors on the palette, A-H are the 80 basic colors, R-U are the special colors (existing line colors).
Note: Its default color is A0 (no color). |
After setting, the color of marks on the satellite and tags for vehicle information will also change.
Note: When choosing A0, the color of vehicles will be light blue, and the colors of buses and trucks will be beige. |
Sorting |
You can freely change the order of vehicles on the list within the [Train] menu. |
[Up]: move the selected vehicle up to the next storing box.
[Down]: move the selected vehicle to the next storing box below.
[Insert]: Insert a vacant storing box to the selected No. The bottommost storing box must be vacant to insert a new one.
[Delete]: Delete the selected vacant storing box.
Note: For [Up] and [Down], keep pressing × button or left-clicking for continuous motion.
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