View Guide Adjacent Placement of Buildings
Super Removal Mode
To start Super Removal Mode, press △ button or Space bar while keeping any one of the following menus open:
[Rail], [Station], [Train], [Construction], [Project] or [Geo(Edit)]
Press × button / left-click to remove any items such as buildings, railroad tracks, roads, trains and buses, etc.
Remove items in broad area at one time by selecting [Area Remove] in the Removal menu.
Change areas to remove by hovering the cursor over the Area Remove bar, and pressing × button and the up or down directional buttons / left-clicking / using the scroll wheel.
Set a height to remove by pressing □ button or [Ctrl], and showing the height bar.
The setting for turning on&off buildings on the height bar is also valid on Super Removal Mode.
You can use the height cut while Super Removal Mode when you in [Edit] and [Geo] menu. To do so, press □ button or [Ctrl] key.
Limit Items to Remove
Open the [Option] menu, select [Interface] and turn on [Select Removal Target]. Select a category to remove from [Railroad], [Road] and [Building].
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