[Provide Materials (Rail / Train / Construction)] TOP PAGE
Sell Subsidiary Types of Material Factory
How to Provide Materials
Provide materials by constructing material factories and container ports, and transporting from neighboring towns.
【Construct Material Factory】
Construct material factories to automatically produce them.
Materials are unavailable to directly use for construction of buildings.
Transport them to depots by freight trains or trucks to use for buildings.
【Construct Container Port】
Construct container ports to purchase and ship materials from neighboring towns to depots of your town.
Excessed materials can be shipped and sold to neighboring towns from container ports.
【Transport from Neighboring Town by Freight Train】
Extend railroad tracks to neighboring towns and run trains to purchase materials from neighboring towns.
Excessed materials can be sold by transporting them to neighboring towns.
【Transport from Neighboring Town by Truck】
Extend roads to neighboring towns and run trucks to purchase materials from neighboring towns.
Excessed materials can be sold by transporting them to neighboring towns.
Available and Unavailable Material for Construction
Materials stored in factories cannot be used for construction of buildings. For construction, transport materials to depots from factories by freights or trucks.
Materials transported from neighboring towns and stored in depots can be used for construction without transporting.
Available Area to Use Material
Available ranges from material depots to construction sites are within a radius of 600m and a height of plus or minus 30m.

Available ranges from stations or depots to material depots to transport are within a radius of 400m and a height of plus or minus 30m.

For display of ranges, open the [Option] menu. > Select [Data Display] > Turn on [Station Materials Area] to show ranges of materials to load and unload at stations when selecting a station to show its details or constructing stations, factories or depots.
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