[Edit Terrain (Geo)] TOP PAGE
Attract Maglev Station Economic Performance of City
Editting Terrain with Game Mode
Redevelop a saturated city by leveling mountains or land reclamation for further development.
Note: Redevelopment requires costs.

【How to Edit Terrain with Game Mode】
Open the [Geo] menu to show a circlar icon.
Press R1 button or left-click to heighten terrain inside a circle. Press L1 button or right-click to lower terrain inside a circle.

While creating terrain, the following functions and settings are available.
【Height Range】
Turn on to set the maximum and minimum height to edit terrain. Hover the cursor over a bar. Then press × button and the up or down directional buttons / left-click / use the scroll wheel to adjust a height

Left bar
: Set the maximum height.
Right bar: Set the minimum height.

【Scope Area Size】
Set areas to edit at one time.

Area editting bar: Hover the cursor over the bar, and press × button and the up or down directional buttons / left-click / use the scroll wheel to change areas.

[Linear]: Form flat mountain slopes.
[Convex]: Form rounded mountain slopes.
[Display Water Surface]: Show or hide the surface of the water.

[Fix]: Once fixed, editted terrain will appear and costs will be payed. Costs will be displayed as [Cost] in the [Geo] menu.
[Cancel]: By cancellation, tentative and uncompleted data also deleted.
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